Sunday 14 June 2015



SQ3R is a method of reading that is useful in text book reading. It is useful in saving time and learning things for long term use.

SQ3R refers to Surveying, Questioning, Reading, Reciting and Reviewing.

        As soon as you get into a textbook/ unit / lesson, make a quick survey. Survey the Title, Introduction, Headings, Sub Headings, Conclusion and so on to get an idea of what you are going to read.

        Turn the Title, Headings, Sub Headings, Important points, Key words and phrases into questions.

        As you read the text, write down the questions you have formed on the left side of the margin and try to fix the answers. Write down the questions in the self evaluation part of the unit or the lesson on the right side margin and try to fix the answers.

        After you have read the text carefully, open the text, cover the right side margin of the page and look at the questions on the left side margin and try to give the answers orally or write them in a sheet of paper. Then cover the left side margin of the page and look at the questions on the right side margin and try to give the answers orally or write them in a sheet of paper.

        After some three days take the text, look at the questions and try to remember the answers. If any doubt, get into the text and clarify it. Leave it for a week. After that, take the text, look at the questions and try to remember the answers. If any doubt, get into the text and clarify it. Leave for a month. After that take the text, look at the questions and try to remember the answers. If any doubt, get into the text and clarify it. Just like that go through the text at specific intervals – maybe after three months, six months or one year. This will help you in carrying over your knowledge for years to come.

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